View Profile HarryControl

69 Movie Reviews

13 w/ Responses

Needs more practice

There are a few ingredients that make a Flash look really well done in other peoples' eyes, which, as you may see, is lacking in this one. First, and probably the most important is time dedication. And we're not talking about something like done in a day or two, but more like weeks, or perhaps months. Alot you say? I know! But that's what it may take to make something awesome. Perhaps, though, this Flash looks awesome to your perspective because its yours and its something to be proud of. Maybe....... I don't know, I can't assume too much.

Anyways, another important thing to a REALLY successful Flash is putting your guts to it. Patience and brains is another key factor. Sometimes when I try to figure out a how to make something work out, I bust my brain. So, is the solution is to simply try to simplify the work or try to substitute it in some other way? Well, it may be the better choice. But here's what I do. I totally detach myself from monitor and think it over. How can I solve this? Is there a way to get around this situation? Maybe I need an alternative that will be suitable.

But ultimately, you need to enjoy Flash (which I assume you do) in order to do the above. Now, about the movie, these are the things that needs improvement: jokes and graphics (especially if they are your own). It would also be nice if your animation was a bit more too. Please don't take it too personally what I said, but rather suggestions and advice. If you got talent, then use it to your full capacity! Just make sure it doesn't take all your time away!

This recieved Daily First?

Well, this was about eight years ago. Perhaps the bar wasn't as high then or maybe its just me. This movie doesn't really impress me at all as half of it was just pre-made pictures and somewhat unprofessional artwork. But the music was okay. Not like those irritating remix, squeak songs that are in crap movies.

In overall, this movie was fair.

Do the Mario!

well well well...

It hasn't been a month yet and already you got in episode two done. I must say, I'm actually impressed. How many hours a day, on average, did you devoted to do this? Anyways, nice animation skills you have there with the sprites. The storyline is okay so far. Personally, (you don't have to change it if you don't want to) I would give your series a different title instead of a standard, rather plain "Sonic and Mario".

I know people are going to kill my review because of this but...... It would be nice to hear a different selection of music that has not been on any other sprite movies. I know you have every right to use it as much as the other but picking different music may help make this even more original. Just a suggestion.

I think what helped score this movie as an original idea is the fact that you have Silver in your story. Interesting to see a different to see a new character in the act.

Keep up the good work!


Absolutely breathtaking! I mean the way you animate is beyond what I could of imagine and your time dedication to graphics is truly well deserving A+! I just love the scenery! Awesome Job! What else is there to say?

Inspirationally Awesome!

Wow! I loved every minute of this movie! Keep it up! You got some great skills in animating with sprites and good selection of sound effects!

The fighting style and story was really awesome too! I assume this must of took a lot of your time, so as little word of caution, don't let this consume TOO much of your time.

I'm eager in seeing the episode of this series!


I liked it! However, it felt like a tad too short. Make them a bit longer so somebody can actually get into the movie real good. I do like how you let the user decide when to proceed the next dialog box. That should always be included because not everyone reads the same speed. I'm hoping for a little more technique in your next episode.

Good Job!

I can see the progressive improvements in here, such as your skills with the sprites. I would figure this would have a higher score but I suppose not everyone has the same opinion on this. I like your story line. I'm curious on what the next episode holds.

"tell that to my stomach" lol

You got to finish it!

Please! This looked so awesome! Until I saw it said 2006, that's when it burst my bubble because its now 2009. Let me give you advice, and this applies to everyone! When you present a trailer to the audience, you indicate that you you will have this done and commit yourself to the project. Perhaps now you have other plans in your life, but now this may only tick people off because they have been waiting patiently and nothing!

Anyways though, great animation skills here. In fact, it would probably be great getting a few tips off you!


I think you may on to something great here! I may be wrong, but I think the story is the best part about this. Your animation was done good, can't complain about the graphics either, except there were a few things that could of been better. At the part, for example, where the castle was breaking, the cracks were too....oh, how should I say it? simple? But let that discourage you. I trust you'll be making some improvements in this.

I'm no expert but...

Here's the thing, the main thing that bothered me was when I was seeing below the ground when the camera was shaking. Also, as tip, see if you can get closer to the action by occasionally zooming in more on them.
If you are using action script 2 then I highly recommend making and using a v-cam. If you use it correctly, it can make your life a whole lot easier. (well, for me anyway)

Bottom line: This wasn't bad for a first flash

Alex @HarryControl

Age 35, Male


Joined on 3/23/09

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